
all my links in one place teehee


Q: What's the deal with your gender?
I am nonbinary! My current pronouns are she/he and I ask that you use both when referring to me. I don't really lean more masculine or feminine, though I like to present fem most of the time. Please still use she/he even when I am using my fem model and vice-versa!
You can use gendered terms to address me, as long as you steer clear of ones like 'boy', 'woman', etc.

Do not use they/them for me once you're aware of my pronouns. I understand it's the default for many people so it might be confusing, but I personally am uncomfortable when referred to with them.
Q: Can you tell us about your dog?
I have a pet rabbit named Melon, who I almost exclusively refer to as 'my dog'. He is in fact not a dog. He's a house rabbit with english spot markings and perpetrator of many crimes against electrical cables.
There is no deeper reason as to why I call him 'my dog' aside from that I think it's funny.
I am aware that it is advised not to keep rabbits alone. Melon had a sister who passed away summer 2021 and while I've tried introducing him to other rabbits he has preferred being on his own.
Q: When are VODs uploaded to Youtube?
I try to publish each VOD on my Youtube roughly 24 hours after the stream in question ends, though sometimes I simply forget. In those cases it'll be available whenever I remember.
Occasionally there will be a stream that I am personally unsatisfied with, i.e. because of technical issues or my own lack of energy. If I am not happy with a stream, I might choose to not upload it on Youtube at all. In that case the stream will be available on my twitch for 2 weeks, after which it will be lost to time.